Investors / Information Pertaining to Auditor Independence
The Audit and Risk Committee is responsible for determining that the external audit firm has the necessary independence, experience, qualifications, and skill and that the audit fees and non-audit fees are reviewed and approved.
The Audit and Risk Committee is satisfied that Deloitte & Touche is independent, our considerations include the extent of non-audit services undertaken by Deloitte & Touche for the year 31 December 2023, against the relevant regulatory requirements pertaining to independence and conflicts of interest.
A formal policy governs the process whereby non-audit services by Deloitte & Touche are considered and pre-approved prior to the provision of such service. The nature and extent of non-audit services provided by the external auditor are determined by the Audit and Risk Committee. The Audit and Risk Committee is of the view that this policy further enhances the external auditor’s independence.
Auditor’s remuneration for the year 31 December 2023
Audit Fees | R 2 365 000 |
Assurance Fees | 0 |
Non-Assurance Fees | R 503 513 |