In this report we have identified material issues and risks that could impact the stakeholders of Merafe and the Venture. These issues and risks were identified during engagements that Merafe and the Venture had with their stakeholders. We provide an overview of our stakeholders' issues on this page and a table setting out our stakeholders, our methods of engaging with them and the issues arising from these engagements. This forms part of our online report and can be found in our 2023 online report under stakeholders. The material issues are set out in material issues of this report and our approach to risk can be found in approach to risk management.
Impact of Rand/US Dollar exchange rate on cash flows
Impact of ferrochrome prices on cash flows
Risk management
Ability to repay borrowings
Compliance with covenants
Operational performance
Job creation
Regulatory compliance
Tax compliance
Employment equity
Empowerment credentials
Health and safety
Health and safety
Remuneration, incentives and benefits
Career opportunities
Training and skills development
Accountability and transparency
Risk management
Financial stability
Empowerment credentials
Alignment of interests
Historically Disadvantaged South Africans (HDSA) procurement requirements
Contract terms
Payment terms
Regulatory compliance
Internal controls
Potential for future returns
Impact of Rand/US Dollar exchange rate on cash flows
Impact of ferrochrome prices on cash flows
Project progress and funding
Impact of industrial action
Safety record
Good governance
The Venture
Product availability
Quality of product
Contract terms and delivery
Reliability of supply
Job creation
Training and development
Black empowerment credentials
Employment equity
Regulatory compliance
Compliance with Mining Charter
Mining rights
Health and safety
Health and safety
Career opportunities
Training and skills development
Consultation on future operational changes
Employment equity
Housing benefits
Workers' rights
Remuneration, incentives and benefits
Infrastructure development
Job creation
Enterprise development
Local employment opportunities
Portable skills development
Local procurement
Stakeholder responsiveness
Corporate social investment
Contract terms
Payment terms
HDSA procurement requirements
Regulatory compliance
Internal controls
Training and skills development
Consultation on future operational changes
Employment equity
Housing benefits
Workers' rights
Remuneration, incentives and benefits
Health and safety